Needed Info
-Phone Number
-Epic Username
-Teammates Name
-Teammates Epic Username
-Platform (EX: XBox, PC, and Mobile)
-A rating 1-10 of you and your teammate
-(PS4 isn't allowed due to cross compatibility
-If you are joining, leaving, or if a change to your team is being made please notify me 1 and a half hours before the start time contact info can be found below
-Each team is 2 people
-Teams must be in the game at least within 5 minutes before or after the start time
-If a team is not ready within that time they are disqualified
-If one player is ready but not the second they are allowed to start by themselves no switching teammates other than the hour and a half notice
-Two teams of two will join in a squad and split up
-Stealing kills and loot is allowed but splitting up is more tactical
-Each kill is one point
-If your team gets a win each person alive counts five points towards that duo
How To Contact Me
Email - davisgreenwell@icloud.com
Text - davisgreenwell@icloud.com
Instagram - davisgreenwell
Twitter- davisgreenwell